Grab- Combats Infections Intensely

77.00 (inc GST)


Blister pack of 10 Capsules

Main Action:

  1. Broad spectrum coverage .
  2. Highly balanced and effective in Swasa Kasa
  3. Has Putigna (prevents foul smell), Kandugna (prevents itching) and Lekhana (cleansing) property thus very effective in wound healing.
  4. Triphala Guggulu gives Shodhana (Detoxifying, Cleansing), Rasayana (Rejuvenating) and Anti Inflammatory Action.
  5. Grab offers anti microbial & anti inflammatory property which helps in infectious diseases

Main points:

  • Acts as broad spectrum Coverage.
  • High balanced, powerful, highly effective in Swasa Kasa


Each capsule contains
Vranapahari Rasa (Classical Prepn ) 100mg , Triphala Guggulu (Classical Prepn ) 300mg,  Gandhaka Rasayana  (Classical Prepn ) 75mg, Arogyavardhini Vati (Classical Prepn) 25mg,  Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia) Q.S., Manjistha(Rubia cordifolia) Q.S.


1 Capsule t.i.d. (As directed by the physician)


In Swasa – Kasa ( Respiratory Tract Infections), Twak Roga ( Skin Diseases)  & Vrana ( Wound).

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